by Edwin del Carpio | Oct 11, 2024 | Personal Finances
Tax Planning: A Powerful Tool for W-2 Employees1. Review Your Employee Handbook for Tax-Saving Opportunities2. Maximize Contributions to Qualified Retirement Plans3. Utilize Dependent Care Assistance Programs4. Take Advantage of Employer Education Assistance...
by Edwin del Carpio | Jul 29, 2020 | Accounting News, Personal Finances
COVID-19 is one of the most economically and socially damaging disasters in recent decades. It has forced the government to take drastic measures to save as many lives as possible. One of these measures is the partial or complete shutdown of many industries. CPA...
by Edwin del Carpio | May 30, 2020 | Personal Finances
Accounting plays a big part in every person’s life. Unfortunately, many of us fail to understand its importance. It is especially true for senior citizens. Whether you’re still working or enjoying retirement, learning basic accounting skills will help you improve you...
by Edwin del Carpio | May 17, 2020 | Personal Finances
Creating wealth may come in different forms. Many choose the path of setting up their own enterprises. However, this option can be very risky, especially for people with minimal capital. For this reason, trading corporate stocks has become more and more popular in... by Edwin del Carpio | Mar 3, 2020 | Accounting Industry, Personal Finances
Being a CPA is both rewarding and prestigious. Besides the extra three letters it adds to your name, it provides you a reliable way to earn a living. It is also a great stepping stone if you plan to expand your career to professions like law or finance. However, it...
by Edwin del Carpio | Dec 23, 2019 | Hiring, Personal Finances
Being an accountant is one of the most hectic jobs around the world. We process thousands, if not millions of transactions, every day to the point that we no longer remember what rest feels. That being said, the holidays are still a chance for us to slow down and put...