Are Accountants Ready For The Future?
Leaders in the accounting profession are adamant that accounting is both art and science. However, it is undeniable that accounting follows many rules and principles that machines can easily replicate. Hence, the obsolescence of accountants and CPAs is a growing...
Employment and Careers in the Field of Accountancy
Accounting has always been one of those careers with dismal retention rates. The stress attributed to the job often results in accountants and CPAs shifting around different career paths until they find the one that suits them best. Unfortunately, a pattern of...
Updates On The Accounting For Leases Shakes The Industry
Accounting standards are the DNA of every financial statement of every business in the US. Hence, just like DNA, a single change can affect the growth of the whole entity. For leasing standards, unfortunately, these changes are coming to light slower than expected....
Retirement: Also A Job For Accountants
Unless you’re superman, old age is an inevitable stage in our lives. Hence, retirement is a vital subject that should be considered by everyone. As an accountant, you should always consider discussing retirement plans with your clients. This article by Anita Dennis...
6 Best Ways On How To Prepare For Retirement
If life is a race, retirement would be the retirement of the final lap of our lives. You have to give all your best to make sure that your last lap would be your best one during the whole race. To prepare for your retirement, you have to start early, invest in the...
Choosing the Right Corporate Structure for your Business
There are a couple of steps that you will undergo when setting up a business. One of which is choosing the correct business structure for you. This step is critical to the success of your organization as the structure you will affect many aspects of your company....
How Accounting Applies To Your Family As A Parent
Whenever people talk about accounting, the first thing that comes to their minds is business. People often associate accounting with organizations and rarely with their daily lives. It, however, encompasses almost everything we do. For example, deciding how many...
Digital Assets in A Physical World
The rapid growth of technology is moving finances from being a physical commodity to digital. In fact, according to research, digital assets across the globe have a value of US$120 billion last February 2019. 53% of that amount is under the popular cryptocurrency,...
Estates and Trusts: How the Rich Keep Their Wealth After Death
Many of us spend most of your lives working to accumulate wealth. However, no amount of success can prevent something as inevitable as death. Hence, many of us ask ourselves, “What’s the point of getting richer, if we’re all going to die in the end?” This is where...