5 Reasons To Hire A Bookkeeper For Your Business
Hiring a bookkeeper can be a real challenge for entrepreneurs. However, there are many advantages to hiring somebody that specializes in running your books for you. Today we're going to give you the top five reasons that your company should hire a bookkeeper. Reason...
Things To Consider Before Hiring A Bookkeeper
So, should you hire a bookkeeper in your business? The answer is "absolutely yes." To go from owning a job to owning a business, you have to take that next step, release responsibility, and put the right people in place. We're going to share some things that you...
Why Should I Hire A Bookkeeper For My Small Business?
We're going to talk about the benefits of having a bookkeeper. I see many clients who either do their books themselves, or they don't know why they need a bookkeeper, to begin with. There are six significant benefits to having a bookkeeper. Be Ready For An Audit The...
Bookkeeper vs Accountant: Which Do You Need?
The first difference between a Seattle bookkeeper and an accountant is schooling. Accountants go to school for many years. They have a degree, and they need to get a continuing education every year to keep up their certification. In contrast, bookkeeping is not a...
US Taxes For Beginners
Let's say you're an incoming senior at state university who just finished a summer internship at a corporate office. Maybe you had a great experience and also made a lot of money. This is excellent news, but there is one problem. You have no idea how to pay your...
How To Avoid An IRS Audit When Self Employed
Today, we're going to be discussing how to minimize your audit risk. We're going to identify the audit triggers and the red flags. This article is really catered for the self-employed people. This is sole proprietorships, single member LLCs, but it's also applicable...
Your Chances Of An IRS Audit If You Make Under $500K
Today we are going to be discussing what the chances are of getting audited by the IRS. The probability of you getting audited, it's really dictated by three factors. The first factor is your income level. The second factor, it's going to be the types of reporting...
What You Need to Know About Applying for PPP Loan Forgiveness
The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been particularly felt by small businesses. The government responded by allowing business owners to apply for small business loans through the Paycheck Protection Program. The deadline to apply for a PPP loan was...
Protect Your Small Business During The COVID – 19 Pandemic
There’s no doubt about the fact that the impact of the COVID - 19 outbreak is getting worse for all of us. The outbreak not only affected our physical and mental health but also did considerable damage to our economy. Worldwide, the common masses are suffering from...